Class Criteria

Men’s Physique


The following Classes fall within the categorization of Men’s Physique

  • Junior Men's Physique
  • Men's Physique
  • Men's Masters Physique
Men's Physique Class Criteria
Class Criteria
Junior Under the age of 24
Open Open to all Male Physique Athletes
Masters Over the age of 35

Judging Criteria

All Men’s Physique classes will be judged on,

  1. Shape
  2. Muscularity
  3. Condition
  4. Stage Presence

N.B The athlete with the best genetics structure and with the least number of faults wins.


All Men’s Physique classes, are required to wear long board shorts that do not extend below the knee. These can be in any colour the athlete chooses.

Rounds of Judging

Competition Rounds
Round Description
Round 1 4 x quarter turns
Round 2 T Walk
Round 3 Comparisons
To be concluded with a 60-second pose down

Round 1 - Quarter Turns

The entire line-up is brought onstage, in numerical order and in a single line. The line-up will be divided into two equal-size groups by the head judge (when applicable) to perform quarter turns. Athletes should remember this is the first view the judges have of their physiques and that they are being judged at all times. Judges are looking for, good muscular development, a lean V tapered shape and strong condition in the upper body.

Starting in a front facing pose athletes will be asked to “quarter turn to the right” four times. Each turn athletes will be expected to showcase their physiques while maintain traditional Physique class poses. Before being asked to leave the stage.

Round 2 - Individual T Walk

Each athlete will be introduced individually as they enter from the rear or side of the stage and proceed to the rear centre of the stage. The athlete will then complete their individual “T” walk based on the image shown below.

T Walk - WFF UK

T Walk Description

The athlete to enter from the rear or side of the stage and proceed to the rear centre of the stage. The athlete will then walk to the front of the stage, pause and pose. Then turn to the right and walk to the side of the stage (Front Right), pause and pose. Next, the athlete is to walk across the stage to the other side (Front Left), pause and pose before walking back to the centre of the stage (Front Centre). Here the athlete will pause, turn around and show his back to the judges before completing his final pose. The athlete will then walk back to the rear of the stage to join the rest of the athletes in the line-up.

Athletes will not be required to provide any music for their T walk.

Round 3 - Comparisons

This is the final round where the athlete has the opportunity to demonstrate their physique to the judges. Judges will be making their final comparisons and assign a rank to the athletes accordingly. Athletes will perform compulsory poses as follows;

  1. Front-Facing, Arms Overhead, Open Handed
  2. Left Side - Showing abdominals & obliques with left hand behind head
  3. Rear-Facing, Arms Overhead, Open Handed
  4. Right Side - Showing abdominals & obliques with right hand behind head
  5. Front-Facing Abdominals pose.